Monday, November 26, 2012


Most people fantasize about becoming a millionaire in network marketing, and that's all it truly is -- a fantasy.
As one top earner said,
The difference in me and most is that my vision for becoming a millionaire was crystal clear. I didn't drive it, IT DROVE ME.
It was a fanatical urging that wouldn't go away.
He said that vision became a PASSION in his life. That's a clue
to what it takes to become a big success in network marketing. He added ...

If most people would get as excited about their company as they do about a football game, they'd be rich within three years.
Most people have the perception that NWM millionaires are lucky;
they found people who did all the work. Not so. Millionaires
understand the TRUE numbers it takes to create massive success.
Most folks are fantasy-based thinking they can make 20 phone calls and get rich.

Another top earner gave this rundown of how she did it ...
I knew all I had to do was talk to 1,000 people. That's what I was told to do and I was on a mission to do that. Instead I talked with over 3,000.
Now I do what I want, when I want, for how long I want WITH MY KIDS! And THAT'S a miracle.
We interviewed over 1,400 network marketers and here's what we found. By the way, every one of these people, including the millionaires, worked their businesses part time.
Hours worked each week Average: 6
Successful: 12
Millionaire: 25

Phone dials per day
 Average: 5
 Successful: 15
 Millionaire: 50

People talked to per day 
Average: 1
Successful: 7
Millionaire: 15 

Presentations per week (phone or face-to-face)
 Average: 2
Successful: 8
Millionaire: 20 

Follow-ups per day 
Average: 1
 Successful: 4 
Millionaire: 10 

Number of no's per week 
Average: 2
Successful: 10
Millionaire: 25 

Conference calls with guests each week 
Average: 0
Successful: 2
Millionaire: 5 

Number of new reps each week 
Average: 0
Successful: 1
Millionaire: 4 

The activity level for millionaires is much more intense than average or even successful reps. 

Study , Practice and Teach . The moment i understood this i got rich ")