Sunday, July 8, 2012

Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World

Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World

The big shift came for me in the early days, when I began teaching my business strategies in seminar settings. In those seminars I noticed something very strange. That you can actually have two people sitting side-by-side using exactly the same tools and strategies, and one person would take these tools and strategies and skyrocket to success. What do you think would happen to the person sitting right beside them? The answer is: not a heck of a lot.
I realized right there that you can actually have the greatest tools in the world, but if you have just a tiny leak in your toolbox, then you have a real problem. When I say toolbox, I am pointing to my head and referring to the “mind game.” So I designed a program based on the inner game of money and success. When we combined the inner game with the outer strategies, people’s results began to skyrocket.
One of the most important things you can ever understand is that we don’t live in only one world alone. We live in at least four different worlds at once: The mental, emotional, spiritual and physical worlds.
What most people never get – and it’s something you should all understand – is that your physical reality, what actually happens to you in your life, is nothing more than a hard-copy printout of the other three invisible quadrants; the results of the other three worlds working together. The fact is that money, wealth, health, illness and weight are results. We live in a world of cause and effect.
Have you ever heard anybody say that a lack of money was a little bit of a problem? A lack of money is never a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what’s going on underneath.
It boils down to this: the only way to permanently change your outer world is to first change your inner world.
Here’s a declaration that I’d like you to do. What is a declaration? It’s a statement that you make out to the universe and into your inner universe. It’s a vibration. I know a lot of you are thinking, “Is this ever hokey!” Here’s what I figure. I’d rather be really hokey and really rich than really cool and really broke. How about you?
OK, so here’s what I want you to do. Let’s have some fun. Let’s do something a little different. Put your hand on your heart and say “My inner world creates my outer world.” If you like, you can touch your head or point to it and say, “I have a millionaire mind.”